
Showing posts from July, 2013

Sometimes I feel angry...

Yesterday morning, I got into a big argument with my dad. I really don't even remember what it started about, but he was not in a good mood, and I tend to push his buttons. I think a part of it is that I just want him to admit that he has anger issues and to deal with them, but these arguments have been going on forever, and while things have changed some in the last 21 years, there is still a problem. And I will admit that I am a part of that problem. I let my anger get the best of me too. I have a hard time controlling my tongue, keeping my voice calm, and thinking about what I say before I say it.  I think it is pretty safe to say that everyone has been angry at some point or another, but it is important to think about how we are are handling our anger. Last nights sermon was on anger, based on the passage in the Sermon on the Mount.  Matthew 5:21-26 21 "You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will ...

Working with all my heart?

So, I work at a daycare center and I absolutely love my job. I adore the kids that I work with and really appreciate my co-workers! I definitely consider having a job that I greatly enjoy a blessing. Work is often the highlight of my day! I feel loved and affirmed by the students that I am doing the right thing with my life (I am studying to be a teacher!).  But, these past few days, I have felt like I am not needed. Not because the kids have stopped loving me or because of anything that my co-workers or boss have done, it has just been a quiet week, with some kids out on vacation and some out sick etc. I have not been needed as much in the classroom because we have been over-staffed. Like I said, this is no one's fault, it is just reality. I was told to clean during the few hours that I was not needed in the classroom. I don't particularly have a problem with cleaning, but it is not where I wanted to  be either. While I was cleaning though, I realized that I needed a bi...

Who Knew?

When you look at yourself right now, who are your best friends? Whose company do you enjoy most? Who do you invest the most time in? Who do you see yourself hanging out with ten years down the road? I ask these questions because lately I've been hanging out with a friend from elementary/middle school who a I never would have imagined that I would still be friends with. And, I must say, it has been one of the greatest friendships. We have had such wonderful conversations and a lot of fun together. She has invited me to bible study, and we have had had a lot of time to chat outside as well. As we talk about our faith, I have grown a lot, and she has helped me to be a better daughter and friend. She has been a great listening ear as well, as I talk about my problems, concerns, joys etc.  We never know what God has planned for us. We can plan all we want, we can set goals, we can chart out our life, but no matter what we do, or how hard we try, our plans will never be as grand as G...