A Beautiful Thing
There are a lot of incredible things going on in my life right now. The most beautiful thing though is seeing people come to God. Two and a half years ago when I met my now husband, he didn't have his faith in God. He knew who God was, he had grown up in the church, but he didn't have a relationship. He was seeking that. It has been such an amazing thing to go on this journey with him, so watch him grow that relationship! While I have watched him grow over the last two years, when he came back from Kenya, he was the most changed. He is a little more on fire now than he was before he left. When I saw fire, I mean like the fire that come upon the apostles head when the Holy Spirit came down on them (Acts 2:1)K, maybe not that extreme, but you get the point. It has just been so awesome to see and more importantly, to be able to walk along side him. That we can seek God together. But, what really ins...