This week was a long week. I came home Friday completely exhausted. At one school, it was the last week before our 3 week spring break! There was so much excitement and just so much other stuff going on. But come Friday, I got the encouragement that I needed. At the end of my math class, I asked the students what the best thing has been about their year so far. They all had some great things to share! I was so excited to hear them reflect on their great year. But what was really touching to me, was that for some of the students, their highlight (that they were thinking about at that moment) was getting to be in my class, or for one student, getting to see me at church (she gets double doses of me!) and it allowed me to see that these kids know that I care about them. They want to be in my class because they feel loved when they come in the room. That is my goal as I know I've written...