
Showing posts from April, 2017

God of the Hills and the Valleys

It's funny, I have not been on here in a year. I have thinking about things to write, but just have never taken the time to sit down and write. But today, I need to. So I logged in, and there was an unpublished post, from just about a year ago. I looked at the picture that I had put with it and read the first few lines. We are in a similar place today as we were a year ago. Different circumstances, but a time of stress, and a time that we are desperately depending on God.  So, why today, did I chose to sit down and write?  About 4 weeks ago, I found out that I will be moving jobs, AGAIN. I have moved every year, a different building, different grade levels, different teammates. Every year I look back, and I know with full certainty that it was for the best that I was where I was. And of course, having been here so many times before, I do know that where ever I end up next year, will absolutely be for the best. God has a great plan and He will put me where I need to be. A...

Trust- A year ago

These last couple of months have been really tough.  I was anxious about Brandon leaving for his mission trip to Kenya. We had a couple of different boys that we were hosting through safe families. For some reason, I feel like I was behind all quarter, and not serving my students to the best of my ability. I was also anxious about my job for next year (I have no idea where I will be). I had a really tough week teaching intercession (half days of school during our breaks). Then Brandon came home and he threw out his back walking around in our apartment and to put a cherry on top, his truck decided it had had enough and we were already pouring money into chiropractic care because both Brandon and I have messed up backs.  It really wasn't that bad. There really is not any one thing that I could pin point that made it seem bad. But, I feel so much more at peace right now.  Brandon's back is finally getting better. We found...